Return to Wholeness

Now offered in a group setting!

What is Return to Wholeness?

Our Return to Wholeness program is a personalized holistic healing program addressing the mind, body, and spirit. This program is designed to guide you through a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. We will teach you practical ways to transform your everyday reality and help you implement them. You will uncover hidden parts of yourself and the beliefs, programs, wounds, and patterns holding you back from expressing your authentic truth. You will learn how to shed all that no longer serves you and bring home those lost parts so that you may Return to Wholeness.

Available in either a private or group setting.

Two ways to enroll in our

Return to Wholeness program


Private One-on-One

Work with Krista in a private session.

You may choose:

Weekly Meetings for 3 months

Bi-Weekly Meetings for 6 months


Group Sessions with Private Healing Sessions

Group classes will meet virtually on a weekly basis

Private healing sessions will be booked once every 4 weeks.

Why take the Return to Wholeness program?

There are a myriad of reasons why my clients choose the Return to Wholeness program. From a holistic perspective, these reasons are merely symptoms of either power-loss, soul-loss, or both. These can include:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Lacking purpose or passion in life

  • Chronic Pain and/or Fatigue

  • Boredom and/or Procrastination

  • Addiction

  • Lack of self-worth

  • Feeling broken, disconnected, loneliness or just a deep longing for more

  • Feeling lost, stuck, or like something is missing

Soul-loss and power-loss are endemic in our modern society, but go unrecognized as the source of these symptoms. Regardless of your reason for choosing the program, everyone has a desire for health, wellness, and wholeness in their life. Often, they are not sure of how to get there or where to start. Through this program, we can offer support and guidance along your healing path. We utilize our knowledge, insights, intuitive guidance, and even our own personal healing journey experiences to help you navigate and stay on track.

What are the concepts, tools, and techniques I will learn?

We begin the program with creating a strong foundation to work from. During the course of the program, we will teach you different concepts, tools, and techniques for living a more mindful and harmonious life, helping you to bring into your awareness that which is no longer serving you and letting it go, so that you can invite joy and passion back into your life.

We pull from many different cultures, teachings, and practices which have been proven throughout the centuries to assist the human experience in its quest for expansion and enlightenment. These practices are not based in any religion, but rather a unified belief that we are eternal souls having a human experience with a desire to remember who and what we truly are.

What's included in the program?

Return to Wholeness is a program consisting of mentorship and one-on-one healing sessions. We will meet either weekly or bi-weekly, depending on which program you choose. This course is offered as a private program or in a group session. You will receive a workbook and journal to help keep you on track. In-between sessions you will be given action-work, which will consist of daily practices and weekly assignments.

While there is a set structure to our program, it is also tailored to fit your needs and level of self-awareness. Whether you are new to spiritual and mindfulness work, or have been practicing for years, Return to Wholeness can help you to create a strong foundation to build upon.

What is the Cost?


Paid in Full


(Save $167)

Monthly Payments

$500/Month/3 Months (Weekly Meetings)


$250/Month/6 Months (Bi-Weekly Meetings)


Paid in Full


(Save $67)

Monthly Payments

$222/Month/3 Months

Are you ready to join our next group?

2 simple steps to join


Purchase Membership

Purchase a Return to Wholeness Virtual Group Membership


Choose a Class Start Date

Class will meet every week on that day and time.

Select a class start date below.

Are you ready to join a private session?

2 simple steps to join


Purchase Membership


Schedule Your First Sesssion

What our clients are saying

My decision of of taking the Return to Wholeness was prompted by unresolved issues that were coming up when my sibling and I had to place my mother in assisted living. I’ve known Krista for years and had gone to her for Reiki and other healing sessions and I knew she deals with the whole person and has insights beyond what I could even know about myself.

I couldn’t have had better support as we delved into relationships and how to strengthen myself in order to move into a place of peace and love when dealing with the issue of an aged parent and the reversal of roles in the family dynamic.

The tools and methods Krista teaches helps one to move through every day with a feeling of confidence and support.

Return to Wholeness was a priceless gift I gave myself. Thank you Krista!
— Anne R